Friday, January 8, 2010

must read if you believe in this great COUNTRY OF OURS


Here we are, 8 months into the hope and change the Obama administration promised. To all who voted for the man, is this really the change you expected? Is your hope to not be the next American to lose his job? Under the guise of hope and change the President has shelled out 800 billion dollars on the “TARP Program” by giving money to banks that didn’t want it and are now scurrying to pay it back. He “INVESTED” 787 billion dollars on a “Stimulus Plan” that has only stimulated those who supported him. Then there was the 400 billion dollar “Omnibus Bill”. Omnibus Bill? Don’t ask me, besides it’s only 400 billion! Don’t forget the 75 billion dollar “Home Mortgage Bailout Bill”, you know the government program where people who pay their mortgages are now going to pay for the people who don’t. Not enough change yet? No problem. The President is now running General Motors and evidently approving Chrysler’s Advertising Budget. He has also moved the UAW to the front of the line while ignoring the rights of secured creditors. That must fall under that “Returning the Wealth to Its Rightful Owners” decree. Still not enough change, let’s throw in a 3.6 trillion dollar budget for 2010, a Cap And Trade Bill that will result in the largest tax increase in America’s history, and a Government Run Health Care System, and they will call it “Revenue Neutral” because they think Americans are stupid. He also wants to abolish the Secret Ballot and reinstitute The Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine will be renamed something less controversial by our new Diversity Officer, Mark Lloyd, but the end game is essentially to stifle free speech afforded us by the First Amendment. Our esteemed Attorney General, Eric Holder, is now investigating CIA members for possible prosecution and has granted habeas corpus for enemy combatants. This is the same Eric Holder who led the charge to secure a presidential pardon for the infamous Mark Rich. Want more change? The Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein, wants to give animals the right to a lawyer and also supports a ban on hunting. Sounds like a means to the end of the Second Amendment. Then there was a world wide trip with a dozen or so apologies because America is such a “Bad Country”. It is my firm belief that the only thing bad about America are the politicians running it! When Americans protest at Tea Parties, they are called astroturfers and angry mobs wearing swasti-kaaas. One could never imagine the Speaker of the House could attack Americans in such a vicious and divisive way, simply for stating their views. Despicable! And where are the Republicans during all this change? They are demanding an apology from Joe Wilson for his “You Lie” shout out. Right as rain Joe, wrong venue. Only Democrats can get away with similar behavior such as when they booed and hissed President Bush in that same venue. If Joe would have called the President a liar in front of a microphone as did Harry Reid with President Bush, it probably would have been okay. Then again with the media in this country, probably not.

I am aware that facts hold no value to those on the Left when issues are being debated, or should I say shoved down the throats of Americans who disagree. However, I am compelled to try. To be fair the Tarp Program was devised by Henry Paulson, an irreplaceable Executive of Goldman Sachs, who was appointed by another free spending Liberal, George Bush. Enter another irreplaceable individual in Timothy Geithner with the Obama administration and the money continued to flow – to Wall Street of course (hate big oil, love big banks). To all of you who thought the government was going to make your house payments and put gas in your car, are you still waiting, are you really?

There are four key issues I want to point out that I think have the potential to (as the President said) “fundamentally transform America”.

First – Government Run Health Care. I had a thought. This administration has not deleted The First Amendment yet, so technically I have a right to express this thought – for now. Recently I heard a member of the British Parliament state that the Brit’s Government Run Health Care System is the 3rd largest employer “IN THE WORLD”. The U.K. has a total population of just fewer than 62 million. How many new government employees will it take to administer a Government Run Health Care System to 300 million people? Sounds like the start of a joke in a smoke filled – excuse me, smoke free bar. All those salaries, all those pensions, all those union workers and union dues, and all that support for the Democrat Party. Is it a health care bill they are pitching or the creation of another Democrat Slush Fund? This is a stake through the heart of liberty.

Second - Cap and Tax, I mean Trade. Unemployment is going to pass right through 10%. What genius in Washington thinks that raising Energy Costs on every business in the country will alleviate the unemployment problem? I am sure you have all heard the President’s own words “Under my plan of a Cap and Trade System, electricity rates would NECESSARILY SKYROCKET.” Again, like health care, the bill is not the issue. It is a means to an end. How many government employees will it take to administer a Cap and Trade Program that will monitor carbon emissions for every business and power plant in the U.S.? All those salaries, all those pensions, all those union workers and union dues, and all that support for the Democrat Party. It is just another Democrat Slush Fund and more Democrat voters. How many private sector jobs does it take to support one government job? Whatever the number, I don’t believe there will be enough of us to support this out of control government mess. This is a second stake through the heart of liberty. Just for the record, in June of 2009 the headline from the Daily Tech was “NASA acknowledges the solar cycle, not man, is responsible for global warming”. Sounds like an inconvenient FACT!

Third - The Secret Ballot. Union organizers would be able to make people vote up or down for a union certification in broad daylight for all to see. Hell that’s just un-American. Do you want to know how I vote during political elections too? But remember it’s a means to an end. More union members, more pensions, more union dues, all that support for the Democrat Party.

Fourth - Amnesty! If 12 to 20 million illegals are granted amnesty by this administration, how do you think they will vote? What is it about the term illegal that Democrats have a problem understanding? An influx of 12 to 20 million immigrants would “fundamentally transform America” in a way that has never been seen before in our history. All four of these issues spell the end of the two party system and America as we know it! Our government will resemble Venezuela more than the United States. We cannot allow this to happen!

With all the controversial issues surrounding this administration, you would think the media would have a field day. However, they are acting the same way as during the election. The media believes Barack Obama can do no wrong regardless of his past ties. Jeremiah Wright was just a crazy, old uncle, and William Ayers bombed the Pentagon forty years ago. And ACORN just helps people! We all know NBC is in the tank for this administration thanks to GE and its windmills and carbon credits. ABC had access to the White House for the Health Care Indoctrination, and like NBC, has supported this President from the beginning. CNN, the New York Times and MSNBC are becoming less credible on a daily basis. If ever there was an opportunity to make up for the Dan Rather debacle at CBS during the 2004 election, this is it. Earth to Les Moonvez – will you please direct your news division to simply report the unbiased facts? Remember what 60 Minutes was like thirty years ago when they went after corruption in any form regardless of party affiliation? Do that!

In closing, if you are reading this and are under the age of 30, you might not recognize the following pledge. The reason is the Left, led by the ACLU, has been hell bent on stopping students from reciting it in public schools all over the country. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The definition of indivisible is incapable of being divided. UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. When did the Democrats forget the meaning of indivisible? Maybe the answer is when their party began representing “special interest groups” instead of all Americans.


Jim Marcket

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