Friday, January 13, 2012

Water Tck News this is starting to become a issue

1/12/2012More NewsThree summits to focus on water rights and water trading
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — The first of three summits being organized by WestWater Research (WWR) in partnership with American Water Intelligence (AWI) focusing on the important topics of water rights and water trading will be held in Scottsdale, Ariz. Feb. 2-3, according to a press release.

The three events will bring together industry leaders within the water resource development and investment arena to identify and review creative realistic solutions for addressing water resource challenges in some of the most water-stressed states in the country, stated the release.

“Water is a crucial component of our economic future and the U.S. has serious issues relating to the development of reliable water supplies. If America is not already facing a water crisis, we know it will soon” said Clay Landry, managing director of WestWater Research and co-organizer of this new summit series.

To read the entire press release, click here.

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Water Tech Online News

Parasite found again in city’s drinking water
PORTLAND, Ore. — A test last week of the drinking water reservoir in Portland, Ore. found that the parasite, cryptosporidium, found over a year ago was still prevalent in the water, according to KATU News.

This happened just before the state was scheduled to decide whether to give a waiver on building a $90 million water treatment plant, stated the article.

“It would just be irrational for anyone to think in an area as large as the Bull Run there aren't critters that poop in the woods and after a heavy rain you wouldn't find some residue of that,” said City Commissioner Randy Leonard. “What would be worrisome (is) if you had huge amounts of cryptosporidium in our water supply, and we don't.”

To read the entire article, click here.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

water Tec news

Oily black goo leaking into Colorado’s primary source of water
DENVER — A continuing toxic leak of oily black goo is fouling up the South Platte River and Sand Creek, which is Colorado’s primary source of water, according to the Denver Post.

Federal environmental officials are taking care of the leak, which the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials knew about at least a month ago but nobody tried to stop the seepage or check the rivers, stated the article.

Workers have been required to wear respirators as a precaution as Suncor Energy cleanup crews use vacuum trucks to try and remove surface material from Sand Creek near the company’s oil refinery, according to the article.

To read the entire article, click here.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ihave been lost for a while

I have been locked out . finnly got back in .What has happen since I have been Gone . Look like the policitcal seen has been nuts .I'll start posting some new water tect news again .Glad to be back

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

been gone a while is any one out there/

sorry changed emails and haven't been getting water news .What the hell no one reads it any way .If i get a response I'll start up again . have some great ideas about the corp of engineers . Why aren't we building a pipe line from the Mississippi to Arizona and Georgia. But like i said why write if no one reads it

Thursday, February 10, 2011

so they treat the water and then want to see if it's safe?


American Water receives $250,000 grant to study distribution system biostability << BACK
Monday, February 07, 2011

VOORHEES, N.J. — The Water Research Foundation has awarded American Water Works Company Inc. a research grant of $250,000 to examine practical indicators of distribution system biostability, according to a press release.

Titled “An Operational Definition of Biostability in Drinking Water,” the study will focus on biodegradable organic matter; disinfectant demand and biodegradation of haloacetic acids; biofilm formation and corrosion rates; and biological consumption of ammonia, nitrate and phosphate.

American Water will directly receive $125,000 to pay for analytical costs, supplies, labor and other research costs, and approximately 20 utilities will provide in-kind contributions of $590,992, the release stated.

“We are pleased that the Water Research Foundation continues to recognize American Water as a leader in industry research,” said Dr. Mark LeChevallier, director of Environmental Stewardship and Innovation. “Our team of expert scientists and engineers, coupled with our large and diverse geographical footprint, provides an exceptional opportunity to study and develop best practices for the water industry.”

To read the entire article, click here.

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read this well so if the water is bad it's ok to drink as is


Ohio EPA: Reverse osmosis may cause pollution problems << BACK
Monday, February 07, 2011

COLUMBUS, OHIO — According to an ongoing study by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the municipal use of reverse osmosis (RO) to treat drinking water may cause pollution problems in the state’s waterways, The Columbus Dispatch reported.

While RO creates cleaner drinking water, it leaves behind “reject water,” which is filled with minerals and pollutants, according to the story.

This reject water is too volatile to dump into nearby bodies of water, as it will kill or hurt the wildlife, the article stated.

As a result, the city of Delaware, Ohio, would have to spend $2 million dollars to pump the reject water five miles away to a sewer plant, and officials in the town of Marysville said they will have to spend as much as $1 million dollars to inject the waste 3,500 feet underground, the article stated.

“Right now, we are taking another look at the entire process to make sure we are going ahead with the most cost effective process,” said Rick Westerfield, Columbus’ water and power administrator.

To read the entire article, click here.

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