Senate Dems feel buyer's remorse for votes to confirm Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito.
Plumbing government green plumbing why are we at this age make a difference articles that i read
Senate Dems feel buyer's remorse for votes to confirm Justices John Roberts and Samuel Alito.
WA releases new security and emergency planning book | |
Friday, January 22, 2010 | |
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DENVER — The American Water Works Association (AWWA) has announced the publication of its new book, Security and Emergency Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities, according to a press release. The book, written by Stanley States, Ph.D., documents the security and emergency preparedness changes that water and wastewater utilities have undergone since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the release stated. Topics include: Natural, accidental and intentional threats to water and wastewater systems; US federal legislation, regulation and Homeland Security Presidential Directives regarding utility security and emergency preparedness; the Water Sector Specific Plan; vulnerability assessments, tools and resources; effective utility-security programs, tools and resources; emergency management systems; water contamination early-warning systems; incident or threat response; emergency response training; and remediation and recovery. To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |
WEF presents Cities of the Future 2010 and Urban River Restoration 2010 | |
Friday, January 22, 2010 | |
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BOSTON — The Water Environment Federation (WEF) will be holding two conferences, Cities of the Future 2010 and Urban River Restoration 2010, on March 7-10 in Boston, according to a press release. Both conferences will take place at the same location, the Boston Marriot Cambridge, to allow opportunities for interdisciplinary networking and discussion on urban and sustainable technologies, the release stated. Cities of the Future 2010 will focus on sustainable urban infrastructure that will meet the challenges of the 21st century and Urban River Restoration 2010 will feature presentations on the role of revitalized urban rivers and waterfronts with an increased awareness on sustainable practices, according to the release. Educational credits will be available for participation in the workshops, Opening General Session and technical sessions, the release stated. To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |
Officials sign agreement to remove San Clemente Dam | |
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 | |
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CARMEL, CALIF. — Federal, state and local officials joined representatives from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in signing a “Collaboration Statement” with California American Water to commit the parties to work together to remove the San Clemente Dam, according to a press release. Built in 1921, the 106-foot high San Clemente Dam is located on the Carmel River and supplies water to the Monterey Peninsula, the release stated. Officials said the dam does not meet modern seismic stability and flood safety standards, and its removal would be beneficial to the local ecosystem, according to the release. “Dam removal will help us improve river habitat and comply with a directive from the Department of Safety of Dams,” said California American Water President Rob MacLean. “We’ve altered our operations over time to minimize impacts to the river and the dam no longer serves its original purpose as a water storage facility for our customers. Instead, its removal provides an opportunity to work in partnership with natural resource agencies toward protection of the river and its habitat.” U.S. Congressman Sam Farr added, “Removing San Clemente Dam will bring the Carmel River back to life and restore critical habitat for threatened species, including one of the most important populations of steelhead trout on the Central Coast.” To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |
Here we are, 8 months into the hope and change the Obama administration promised. To all who voted for the man, is this really the change you expected? Is your hope to not be the next American to lose his job? Under the guise of hope and change the President has shelled out 800 billion dollars on the “TARP Program” by giving money to banks that didn’t want it and are now scurrying to pay it back. He “INVESTED” 787 billion dollars on a “Stimulus Plan” that has only stimulated those who supported him. Then there was the 400 billion dollar “Omnibus Bill”. Omnibus Bill? Don’t ask me, besides it’s only 400 billion! Don’t forget the 75 billion dollar “Home Mortgage Bailout Bill”, you know the government program where people who pay their mortgages are now going to pay for the people who don’t. Not enough change yet? No problem. The President is now running General Motors and evidently approving Chrysler’s Advertising Budget. He has also moved the UAW to the front of the line while ignoring the rights of secured creditors. That must fall under that “Returning the Wealth to Its Rightful Owners” decree. Still not enough change, let’s throw in a 3.6 trillion dollar budget for 2010, a Cap And Trade Bill that will result in the largest tax increase in America’s history, and a Government Run Health Care System, and they will call it “Revenue Neutral” because they think Americans are stupid. He also wants to abolish the Secret Ballot and reinstitute The Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine will be renamed something less controversial by our new Diversity Officer, Mark Lloyd, but the end game is essentially to stifle free speech afforded us by the First Amendment. Our esteemed Attorney General, Eric Holder, is now investigating CIA members for possible prosecution and has granted habeas corpus for enemy combatants. This is the same Eric Holder who led the charge to secure a presidential pardon for the infamous Mark Rich. Want more change? The Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein, wants to give animals the right to a lawyer and also supports a ban on hunting. Sounds like a means to the end of the Second Amendment. Then there was a world wide trip with a dozen or so apologies because
I am aware that facts hold no value to those on the Left when issues are being debated, or should I say shoved down the throats of Americans who disagree. However, I am compelled to try. To be fair the Tarp Program was devised by Henry Paulson, an irreplaceable Executive of Goldman Sachs, who was appointed by another free spending Liberal, George Bush. Enter another irreplaceable individual in Timothy Geithner with the Obama administration and the money continued to flow – to Wall Street of course (hate big oil, love big banks). To all of you who thought the government was going to make your house payments and put gas in your car, are you still waiting, are you really?
There are four key issues I want to point out that I think have the potential to (as the President said) “fundamentally transform
First – Government Run Health Care. I had a thought. This administration has not deleted The First Amendment yet, so technically I have a right to express this thought – for now. Recently I heard a member of the British Parliament state that the Brit’s Government Run Health Care System is the 3rd largest employer “IN THE WORLD”. The
Second - Cap and Tax, I mean Trade. Unemployment is going to pass right through 10%. What genius in
Third - The Secret Ballot. Union organizers would be able to make people vote up or down for a union certification in broad daylight for all to see. Hell that’s just un-American. Do you want to know how I vote during political elections too? But remember it’s a means to an end. More union members, more pensions, more union dues, all that support for the Democrat Party.
Fourth - Amnesty! If 12 to 20 million illegals are granted amnesty by this administration, how do you think they will vote? What is it about the term illegal that Democrats have a problem understanding? An influx of 12 to 20 million immigrants would “fundamentally transform
With all the controversial issues surrounding this administration, you would think the media would have a field day. However, they are acting the same way as during the election. The media believes Barack Obama can do no wrong regardless of his past ties. Jeremiah Wright was just a crazy, old uncle, and William Ayers bombed the Pentagon forty years ago. And ACORN just helps people! We all know NBC is in the tank for this administration thanks to GE and its windmills and carbon credits. ABC had access to the White House for the Health Care Indoctrination, and like NBC, has supported this President from the beginning. CNN, the New York Times and MSNBC are becoming less credible on a daily basis. If ever there was an opportunity to make up for the Dan Rather debacle at CBS during the 2004 election, this is it. Earth to Les Moonvez – will you please direct your news division to simply report the unbiased facts? Remember what 60 Minutes was like thirty years ago when they went after corruption in any form regardless of party affiliation? Do that!
In closing, if you are reading this and are under the age of 30, you might not recognize the following pledge. The reason is the Left, led by the ACLU, has been hell bent on stopping students from reciting it in public schools all over the country. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the
Jim Marcket
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah and Nevada officials have agreed to sign a deal that would split border groundwater in the Snake Valley despite resistance from a Utah advisory board, according to The Salt Lake Tribune.
Board members of the Snake Valley Aquifer Advisory Council expressed disapproval of the plan after a Wednesday meeting, but they realized a deal is forthcoming, the article stated.
The deal divides 108,000 acre-feet of water into equal parts for both states, but most of the new rights would be given to Nevada because Utah farmers have already been using most of the water, the story reported.
Nevada Department of Natural Resources Director Allen Biaggi said, “The State of Nevada at this point feels comfortable with the 50-50 split.”
To read the entire article, click here.
Thank you for contacting me regarding health care reform. I appreciate hearing your thoughts and understand your concerns.
The rising cost of health care has highlighted the critical need for health care reform. Many individuals and families are unable to receive vital health services under the structure of the current system. I receive letters from constituents on a wide range of health care issues, such as prescription drug affordability, out of pocket health care expenses, and lack of coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Please know that I am aware of these challenges and committed to improving access to affordable health care.
Our current health care system must be improved. The status quo is unacceptable, but that doesn't mean we should just do anything. We must do the right thing. A viable solution must reduce costs to make health care more affordable for the nearly 85 percent of Americans who currently have coverage. Our reforms should also keep insured people from losing coverage and take steps to offer health care to the 15 percent of Americans currently without health insurance.
The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the Affordable Health Care for America Act (H.R. 3962). The process for approving health care reform in the Senate calls for merging the bills from the Senate Committee on Finance and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) into a single measure. HELP passed the Affordable Health Choices Act (S. 1679) on July 15, 2009, and Finance passed the America's Healthy Future Act (S. 1796) on October 13, 2009. The merged Senate proposal was offered on November 18th, 2009, and referred to as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
As the Senate begins to debate health care reform, I will be reviewing the bill and looking for solutions that demonstrate a commitment to reducing the federal deficit, job protection, and affordability for Hoosier families. I will continue to do my best to achieve solvent, practical solutions that provide high-quality, affordable health care to as many Americans as possible, while maintaining sound fiscal policy.
Throughout this debate, I have called for a process that fosters openness and transparency for the American people. On October 6, 2009, I co-signed a letter to Senator Harry Reid, along with seven other moderate Democratic senators, that called for the legislative text of the Senate health care bill to be put on the internet for 72 hours before scheduling a vote on the bill. I believe it is important that people like you have a chance to evaluate these policies and communicate your thoughts before we vote on this legislation. You can access the Senate health bill at and access the entire text of the bill there. The bill was posted online and made viewable to the public at large on November 18, 2009 at 8:00 p.m.
Again, thank you for contacting me. I hope the information I have provided has been helpful. My website,, can provide additional details about my work in the Senate, including legislation and state projects. You can also sign up for occasional email updates. I value your input and hope you will continue to keep me informed of the issues that matter to you.
New rule proposed for Oregon sewage treatment plants | |
Tuesday, January 05, 2010 | |
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PORTLAND — The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has proposed a new rule that would require sewage treatment plants across the state to account for 118 water pollutants for the first time, according to the Daily Journal of Commerce. The new list of contaminants includes pesticides, industrial waste products and chemicals found in perfumes and shampoos, the article reported. Chris Gannon, who works with the DEQ’s water quality program, said, “The bulk of the list will be pollutants these wastewater treatment plants have never looked for.” The new law would set “trigger levels” for the pollutants on the list. If a treatment plant releases water containing more than the trigger level for a given substance, the plant’s operators would have to submit a plan for reducing the pollution, the story stated. The rule stemmed from a 2007 bill, which addressed chemicals in watersheds, according to the article. Teresa Huntsinger, program director for clean and healthy rivers with the Oregon Environmental Council, said, “(The law) was created to address the issue of the hundreds of pollutants out there that there are no standards about and not a lot of information on their impacts on human health.” To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |
Tampa’s drinking water tainted with antibiotics, other contaminants | |
Tuesday, January 05, 2010 | |
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TAMPA — Tests recently conducted on Tampa’s water supply showed low levels of antibiotics, nicotine byproducts and a chemical used for metal plating, photography and firefighting foams, The Tampa Tribune reported. Officials maintain that although the presence of contaminants is alarming, their levels are miniscule and Tampa’s water is safe to drink, according to the article. Dee Ann Miller, a spokeswoman for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, said, “At this time, no research has shown that concentrations of these substances reported in recent studies pose a threat to drinking water supplies. Research is ongoing, especially on the effects of multiple chemical constituents at low concentrations.” To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. | |
[More Environment] |
Polluted groundwater concerns officials | |
Monday, January 04, 2010 | |
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SAN GABRIEL VALLEY, CALIF. — According to officials, contaminated groundwater in San Gabriel Valley is safe enough for humans, but not for fish, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune reported. Perchlorates and other dangerous chemicals used by the aerospace industry were leaked into the groundwater, causing concern among the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and local officials, the story stated. A $100 million plan was devised to clean the polluted water and discharge it into the San Gabriel River, but it has faced setbacks as officials are struggling to rid the water of all the contaminants, according to the article. “Although they meet drinking water standards, they don’t meet water quality standards,” said Ray Chavira, a spokesman for the EPA. “It affects freshwater fish and microorganisms and their ability to reproduce. It doesn’t affect humans.” San Gabriel Valley water officials plan to meet with representatives from the EPA on Jan. 7 to discuss several options, the article reported. To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |
EPA decisions could have impact on TVA | |
Monday, January 04, 2010 | |
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CHATTANOOGA — The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced two decisions that will have a major impact on the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and its water utilities, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reported. The EPA ruled that the electric power industry could face financial assurance requirements to help fund cleanups through the Superfund program, according to the article. The EPA also began work to establish standards or even ban four types of chemicals used in industrial applications, the story reported. Among the proposed banned chemicals is perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, a chemical used in carpet making which has been found in the Conasauga River. Other chemicals of concern include phthalates, short-chain chlorinated paraffins, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and perfluorinated chemicals, the article reported. According to the EPA announcement, the agency is “beginning a process that may lead to regulations requiring significant risk reduction measures to protect human health and the environment.” To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |
Broken pipeline leaks diesel fuel into Yellow River | |
Monday, January 04, 2010 | |
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BEIJING — One hundred tons of diesel fuel was leaked into a tributary of China’s Yellow River, which supplies water for millions of the country’s citizens, according to a report in The New York Times. About 850,000 Chinese were issued a notice on Monday to halt their use of river water, the story reported. “Relevant departments remind those living along the river that for the sake of safety, both people and livestock should suspend use of Yellow River water for drinking,” the notice stated. China National Petroleum Corporation, the company that owns the pipeline, claimed it had fixed the leak and had begun the removal of contaminated water, according to the article. The Yellow River, China’s second longest waterway, has experienced rapid deterioration in its water quality in recent years due to increased discharge from factories, the story reported. To read the entire article, click here. For related information, click here. |